My name is Sidney Alvarez and I tell stories for a living in New York City and Washington D.C. I use my television background to create sharable social content that is informative, inspiring and entertaining.
My name is Sidney Alvarez and I tell stories for a living in New York City and Washington D.C. I use my television background to create sharable social content that is informative, inspiring and entertaining.
“Sidney your quick thinking eased us through a disturbing situation. Thanks for assisting with the television interviews. You did a great job!”
-Emily S. DeRocco, Former Assistant Secretary for Employment & Training U.S. Department of Labor
“Sidney your work to foster a diverse and inclusive workforce clearly shows and your creative talents have no boundaries. Thank you for helping us with a successful event!”
-Archie D. Perrin Jr., Superintendent Wilkinsburg School DistricT
“Sidney, great pictures! Even better event! Congratulations on a job well done!”
-Diane Rath, Former Chair of the Texas Workforce Commission
“Sidney is extremely creative! His work is very impactful and leaves a distinct impression.”
Dr. Valerie McDonald, Superintendent Avonworth School District